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Job completed for Matthew C

Completion date: September 19, 2018

Location: Arlington, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer already has an encapsulated crawlspace but would like to purchase and have a dehumidifier installed in the crawlspace. He said he is having a lot of humidity.

Solutions provided:

Install Wise Air 55 dehumidifier near existing sump. The additional electrical outlet will need to be installed. Discharge condensate to the sump via gravity feed.

The existing sump is too high in crawl space. Water is settling above the existing encapsulation. Remove existing crock, install new 24” diameter crock, with lid and excavate to set crock at the proper level. Install washed stone around crock and reinstall. Extend the discharge line as needed.

The sump pump is gurgling loudly due to no weep hole. Drill 1/8th inch weep hole in line near couple at the pump.

Existing discharge line is at the soil surface and runs under the rear edge of gravel driveway out to an open discharge at the sidewalk. The pipe is completely exposed to weather and susceptible to freezing.

Recommend re-drilling discharge line a minimum of 15 inches above the soil line, installing IceCop antifreeze device. At the corner where the line runs along driveway excavate enough to settle line. Install pop up drain at discharge exit at the sidewalk. Reset depth of discharge line.

Seal off abandoned discharge line where it exited crawl space.

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