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Job completed for Christopher B.

Completion date: June 17, 2021

Location: Reston, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer needed new wall braces for their crawl space.

Solutions provided:

Front wall is bowing approximately 1.5 degrees inward. Soil level is near the top of the CMU wall.
Install engineered wall braces either side of foyer, approximately 3-4 feet apart for a total of 7 braces. Secure to floor with anchor bolts and secure up in joist bays with heavy steel brackets. Includes removal of necessary drywall to complete installation.

Finish Shield Installation
Right side wall to front edge of chimney, front basement wall in main room and front plus side wall to drywall in left utility room;
Remove 2 x 2 studs in main room, clean floor at cove joint and install Heavy Duty Finish Shield from floor to ceiling. Seal all joints with sealant and tape where needed.
Ahead of the Finish Shield apply waterproof masonry coating to right and front wall in main room only.

Healthy Basement & Healthy Crawl Space Certificates

Our high standard of quality ensures a healthy basement with a Nationally Backed Warranty.